Thursday, June 11, 2009

Where the Buffalo Roam

I grew up on the east coast, and eventually I headed west. It was a real Horatio Alger story. In the past people headed west looking for freedom, looking for a new world, and a new chance. Now if you start your journey, the mid-west is the new bastion of conservative consumerism.
The Wild West sold off all its shares to Coca Cola, Marlboro, and McDonalds. The corporations control the lives of the people and the churches tell them to accept it, and to be good since the god of capitalism likes good consumers. He likes it when you buy into the free market lies. Since the dawn of the protestant movement, their god has favored capitalism. One particular member of the early protestant movement was a man by the name of John Calvin. Calvin’s doctrine suggested that the rich are so because they are blessed it was called outward manifestation of inward grace. The Calvinists believed the poor were wretched because god had abandoned them. These sadistic movements were expelled from the more civilized world and found its only refuge in the un-secular Midwest.
The free spirit of the Wild West died from a combination of obesity, lung cancer, diabetes, and neglect. What can be done? Let me start by, albeit a little bit out of character, saying it isn’t necessarily the churches fault. In fact some churches go against the spirit of capitalism and continue to provide for the poor and destitute. These orders are counted among the best. Although we may have fundamental differences we can agree on one thing. This is that mankind has a right not to suffer, and those of us who have the means must do all we can to prevent and alleviate man’s suffering.
Capitalism has truly run amok in the center of the country. More fast food restaurants open than libraries or schools. People all lust after a quick fix to fill up the void. Capitalism is a unique disease, because it preys on people’s fears and inadequacies, and offers them cheap and easy remedies. It tells them the only thing they need to feel better about their lives is more stuff. I don’t agree; call me an ascetic if you must. I just know in my heart that no amount of stuff can fulfill me. No, all I want is freedom. I want the chance to carve my own way out of the world. A world that doesn’t revolve around the corporate monsters. Allow me a little bit of fantasy, allow me to share a few images of the world I dream of. I dream of a world where anybody sick can receive treatment for free. A world where if you have no food a bakery will provide it. I dream of a world where if you see a person fall, you rush to their aid, and if they have a heavy burden to carry you share it with them and walk step and step with them. You share their burden out of a mutual sense of fraternity. Laugh at my dreams if you must, but the only way to conquer capitalism and hate is with love and responsibility. Kindness and temperance.

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