Tuesday, June 23, 2009


On my way home I passed many people, they were proud of many things. One man had a brand new car, it probably cost more than a lot of us make in three years. I saw a woman with a sticker on her car, she was apparently proud that one of her children had made the honor roll at some school. Next, I saw an old man with a hat; it said he was a veteran of some war. He was proud to have served his country. I wondered if I was proud of anything.
I can not afford a beautiful brand new car. Luxury as they call it. It looks like excess to me. I prefer functionability to luxury. A symptom of being poor. I was told growing up that the poor usually have a certain adverse reaction to being born that way. One reaction is to desire money above everything. The other is to resent money and materialism. I think I have an undiagnosed aversion to money as a result to a childhood of poverty. So, I can never be proud of stuff. Its too bad, some of the prettiest woman out there would love a man if he drove a nice enough car. Alas, I’ll never have them.
I do not have any children, nor would I particularly be proud if they were on the honor roll. The problem with state education is it misses too many critical things. Our society has a strange obsession with progress. I think kids get a raw deal in school. They are taught to compete, and to fight. They are taught to obey rules, and to dislike others. Some schools make children where uniforms. The idea is that if everyone looks the same, than the poor kids will never ask why. Schools deceive the youth, they tell them we all have an equal chance, and we all have equal access to the world. In fact it is quite the opposite, in fact we have no chance. The poor are meant to work crap jobs to make the rich more comfortable. If they want to make it in this world they have to betray each other. People are taught that competition is healthy, when really its sickly. We shouldn’t look at others as competitors. We should see other people as our brethren. We do not have the right to exploit them, it should be seen as the contrary, we have an obligation to help them. When others go hungry and we do nothing we let a little bit of our humanity die.
I would never fight in a war for this country. I do not love my country. They once accused a French president of loving the French people more than he loved France. I feel the same way. Except I can honestly say that I don’t love America, but I have a great love for the people. It is out of compassion that I have to constantly address that they are getting a very raw deal. When our friends and family are sent to a desert to die for the progress of capitalism America has gone in a terrible direction, and it is one in which I can not accompany her. See the thing is, we should never expect progress at the expense of others to mean anything. Exploitation can only breed resent. Revolt happens as a result of repulsion a the sight of too much exploitation.
So, I’m not a proud person. In fact I’m very sad today. I’m sad to think of the children whose families are ripped apart because big business wants more. I’m not defeated in this despair though. In fact I think I see something more. I think that if this reckless band of elitist pigs continue to abuse their privilege than their time will soon be up. We, the people will be waiting. You can only push us so far and treat us so savagely before we return it. In fact I dare the terrible fascists to see what the people will do to them if they keep it up.

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