Thursday, June 25, 2009

Reactionary Rhetoric will not stop the stem of change.

Reactionary Rhetoric will not stop the stem of change. When Imperialist nations forcibly take control of other nations and topple sovereign powers I get worried.
And this is why I campaign against the human rights abuse inherent in capitalist “free-market society.”
Socialism is humanism. The old propaganda clearly has blinded you. The erasure of civil liberties that you talk about are all in perspective. I know you probably want to talk about the Soviet Union. They were the evil communist specter haunting the “free world” after the fall of Nazi Germany. One old conservative argument was, “Communism? Do you remember the bread line?” I would have to say in response to that absurdity, I grew up poor, and if you know anything about America, this means I was destined for failure, but that bitterness aside, I remember waiting outside the food pantry in a line. Waiting for hand outs, charity, ironically, since capitalism doesn’t favor the poor, we had to turn to the Catholic Church’s food pantry just to subside. Oh so different from government sponsored food depots. Did the soviet government drastically reduce its citizen’s rights? In contrast to the myth, the people of the Soviet Union faired much better under Lenin than the Czar. In pre-soviet Russia the people were subjected to the rule of an absolutist monarch. So, the Soviet Union emancipated the people from the twentieth century feudalism of the Czarist Empire. In fact if you had checked your facts, the status of most pre-revolutionary countries is drastically lower in comparison to their post-revolutionary state. Consider the drastic growth in literacy since the Cuban revolution emancipated the people of Cuba. So, before you lie about the ulterior motives of social revolutionary movements, please take a page from the anthropology handbook, please extract yourself from orientalist perspective, and examine these countries through the scientific lens, and consider the relative growth in overall development, and happiness after the movement.
The regime of G. W. Bush and his neo-fascist conservative cronies was a terrible watershed. We saw a side of America none of us ever wanted to see. It was the era of the wholesale raffling off of our freedom for the perpetuation of capitalism. The invention of preemptive war for the benefit of capitalist development. Invading third world countries to exploit their resources, and regulate in our favor through military expenditure the rate of which we receive their products. This is old world imperialism all over again. We are the new Rome. This is not something to be proud of.
Some say democracy will fall to a flag and a cross. This will be our fault and our burden after accepting for too long the injustice of this Fourth Reich.
I believe in people’s rights. The state doesn’t know what is best for you. The empire doesn’t care about individuals. Only free from the tyranny of states and governments can we make choices that truly matter.
The Bourgeois Elitists are trying to exploit the third world with as much tyrannical oppressions our suffering poor feel. In fact the mission to spread capitalist-democracy to the world is clearly an attempt to bring the entire world under the heel of these financial monsters.
So, in all of America’s wars of aggression, its liberal use of weapons of mass destruction of civilians, and its insidious use of capitalist trade sanctions to impoverish and starve the fight out of its enemies, someone can honestly believe that more people are helped by this blood thirsty super power than hurt. I think Agent Orange, the atomic bomb, and the obsession with napalm are enough to prove otherwise.
Sadam hurt a lot of people. How many people did he help? Every story has two sides. What happened to the status of women in Iraq before and after the imperialist violation of their country’s national sovereignty? In the post-Sadam Iraq women have been regulated to a de-secularized space. In pre invasion Iraq they were not required to hijab, and now they must. Also they were much more involved in education. Not to apologize for the despotic treatment of so many, but to consider the pain the people have felt under our horrific occupation, I think we can see which is worse.
CNN is not an accurate source of media information, it is state run and sponsored.
Water boarding is not the problem, but torture is. No form of torture can be tolerated! It is the obliteration of human rights! Any country that liberally engages in torture for any reason signs the end to its people’s freedom. We know how much further than water boarding it had gone. Transparency is democracy and anything else is a sham.
What if your child was picked up by the secret service, and a confession was extracted from them. They may die, but according to their murderers the secrets they found were enough to save millions. The Spanish inquisition used torture to justify the merciless murders of hundreds of thousands, because they believed differently. Our use of torture is no different. We are lying to ourselves if we pretend it is anything different.
Osama is a hero to many people. He defied a super power. He shook it to its core, and rocked its foundations. By falling two building’s he convinced the people that their rights were worth nothing. The people let the government engage in the most anti-democratic actions scene since the red scare, and these horrendous deeds were committed in the name of “national security”. If we got Osama, if we killed him or tortured him, we would vindicate everything he said. If we were not the evil empire before he attacked us, he made us show our real colors. We are the Fourth Reich now.
Conservatives might as well keep their heads buried in the sand, since they never seem to see far enough past their own lies anyway.
Emancipate the Proletariat! Together we can liberate humanity from the tyranny of capitalism! Verisimilitude.
~Jean Améry

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