Friday, June 5, 2009

A vindication

Here I sit, my moment of vindication. The state, which I do not endorse, has decided to bring down the hammer of bourgeois justice on my head. I remember all the times the state would not help my family or I when we needed it. I remember all the terrible things it had done in fact. I suppose this one is really personal. I’m ready for anything they can throw at me. Any conviction justifies my every word and every feeling. I wonder if the brain dead bourgeois realize that they can only abuse the people so long. Do you think these bourgeois judge pertinent have any clue what it is like to go hungry? I doubt it. Today the yuppies do it. They have signed their own warrant. Its written in all of our blood, and our convictions are vindicated by their irrational and unjust abuses. Let the terror state bring down everything it has against us. A state that can only maintain power by terror and police is not legitimate! We know the states evil, we know its hypocrisy, and those of us strong enough to stand against its tyranny are the bulwarks of real freedom. It is time for the corrupt and unjust bourgeois dictatorship of the people to really reevaluate its ever more precarious position. The financial crisis of these recent months proves the era of bourgeois consumerist dictatorial manipulation of the people is on decline. Rise up brothers seize the chance to no longer be exploited, but to be the sole beneficiaries of the effort and work of your lives. Victory, and resolve brothers Share Verisimilitude share truth!

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