Tuesday, June 2, 2009


This planet has played host to many strange and unnatural things. Remnants of its dark past are withheld as secrets, and our ignorance is our order. But what is hidden can sometimes come to light, and the realization emerges that our existence is much more fragile than we assume.
The human mind is ignorant of its own potential. However there are a select few people who have been able to tap into extra percentages of their mind the average human cannot. These people are embodied by artists and poets. Sensitivity, ever so sleight, to the possibility of the impossible; and the ability to conceive the unimaginable gives its owner the key to uncovering the scary secrets only these few dream about.
Since our conception, human beings have been striving through science and philosophy to expand outward and discover a world that holds meaning. But it is not by these means that any form of genuine reality can even so much as be glimpsed. Science will only give you facts relative to its surrounding environment, and philosophy will only allow for ideas based on the truths agreed upon by consciousness. Reality, it seems, can only be discovered through dreamscapes and nightmares, where active thought and tainted reasoning are put to rest, and environment is variable. It is there that information can surface without inhibition and allow a short gaze into the only reality that truly matters.
Though, fortunately, this rare glimpse is not nearly sufficient enough to provoke in someone even the smallest curiosity, let alone a vested interest in its relevance. That is how the secrets of an ancient time are kept, however when these atypical dreams occur at precisely the right moment, and they are coupled with, and consciously connected to other materials, their relevance does surface. And the secrets find a way out …

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