Thursday, June 11, 2009

Expression: An Obligation to Lucidity

In order for us to remain vigil, to remain lucid we have an obligation to our peers and ourselves. We must express ourselves. We ought to pioneer, and invent new modes to convey our messages. We should try new styles, new methods, and even new fonts.
Tragically people in our country today gorge themselves on every excess imaginable but hardly ever leave time to develop their minds. Our minds are all we really have. We should cherish them. Instead of spending that afternoon watching soap operas and re-runs of old sitcoms why not send the day in the library. Go learn about Norway plan a trip in your head.
When we were kids we were encouraged to imagine and explore, but now as adults we tell the artists, authors, and poets to “go get a real job.” We devalue imagination, as we get older.
I think this world could be a much better lace if we valued imagination and expression. Mass-production has cheated us out of meaning.
We experience life 1000s of degrees away from it. Life as a copy of a copy of a copy. Coca Cola, McDonalds, Television News, its all crap. Make something for yourself, trust me it may be a lot more work, but you’ll feel better about it than any of the mass-produced shit they force on you. Express yourself, leave a mark on this world, any mark even if its in the shape of your face as you hit the concrete.

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