Friday, June 5, 2009

Bulls Eye

I hit a bulls eye yesterday. I pulled out a handcrafted longbow that was given to me by my uncle, and I shot a straight arrow into the side of my garage. With a thud it landed and stayed. It asked me a question, "Why am I sticking out of the side of your garage? There was no point in firing me here." With that I pulled out a permanent marker and approached it. I answered in a whisper, "You were meant for great things, you were intended to hit the bulls eye on the first shot and you were successful."
"But there is no bulls eye here, only the blank side of a garage."
"Yes," I answered, "But waiting for a target to appear would have ended in my giving up and going to bed. And even if by some miracle, one spawned, there is no guarantee you would have successfully penetrated it's inner sanctum."
I began then to draw around my arrow a small circle, then a bigger one around it, and yet another bigger circle around the first. I stood back and admired my shot. With only a single action, I nailed a bulls eye on the first try... and I didn't even need to see the target to achieve it.


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