Friday, June 5, 2009

Spatial Apathy and Radically Redefining the Spaces we occupy

Take a good look around take inventory of everything you see. We possess so much stuff so much clutter. Our lives are kind of like that; they are filled with junk and clutter. The space each one of has on this earth is very short and to fill our lives with junk and clutter betrays the beauty of the world around us.
Every single television show we watch, and every single mass produced distraction we fall victim to takes up space in our lives. Slowly we start selling off pieces of our lives for things.
Consumerism, now that’s an evil. It teaches kids when they are young that all they need to be happy in this world is things, and with enough things happiness just appears. Ignore the cliché, but I can promise you the beauty of looking up at the sun as it rises can fill the mind with a truer sense of beauty and content with the world than even the biggest house or the nicest car. I’m not putting fourth anything particularly radical, and in fact it may seem a little weak to suggest it, but I have a plan for redefining your life and the space it occupies. This is the proxemics of a better life.
When you wake up in the morning, don’t turn on the news or the television at all in fact. Go read the paper somewhere for free. Don’t work too hard. Life is far too precious to waste slaving away at a job you hate to buy coffee tables and armoires. Every once and a while, just go to the park and take a long walk, exhaustion feels great when you know its because you are free. Reclaim your life from McDonalds and Wal-Mart; remember not everyday has to be about mass production.
We never elected to be part of the bourgeois consumerist state, and we in fact do not have to be. Everyday we have a thousand chances to break free and take back our lives. The founding fathers of this nation believed in a few unalienable rights, and these were life, liberty, and the pursuit of property, for their era this was all right, but I feel the post-modern people we have become in the globalized super consumer world should be given a different set of rights. Life is precious and beautiful, and there is nothing that should make us give it up. Liberty is fragile and was the first to go as our rights began to erode.
In fact liberty was lost when the government decided the people were too irresponsible to protect themselves. Now I am not humanities biggest fan, but I know for a fact with a little time and compassion people can prove they no longer need this ancient regime from the eighteenth century. We have to show a genuine respect for liberty before we’ll ever get one precious drop back. The American government considers itself the bulwark of anti-revolutionary thought. Much like Russia became in the period of the French revolution up until its own in kind. When ever there is a genuine outcry for a return to the liberty promised in the earliest part of this countries life it is squashed. Any ideas that are new, radical, or anti-consumerist are shot down violently by an illegitimate government that cannot claim that its power comes from the people.
The reason it cannot make this claim is complex, one reason is the nature of the American police state. No state can at once be both for the people and have armed guards on the street. Well some objections may be made that the police are there to keep the peace, I disagree with that, and peacekeepers shouldn’t wear bulletproof vests and carry loaded weapons. Peacekeepers should not gun down innocent people because they had a hunch the person was doing something wrong. A state that claims its right to rule is derived from the people cannot enforce its beliefs with armed guards. A legitimate state truly backed by the people does not need armed guards marching the street in Gestapo fashion.
Wake up good people, and do not let the corporations and the police state run your lives.

~Yours Jean

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