Saturday, July 18, 2009

Vice & Virtue

Its so easy to do good. Its so easy to do bad. A copper president head landed face up and told me to choose vice. Life is that pointless, that stupid, that meaningless. What is the point then, when you don't really concretely believe in anything, do you pursue vice endlessly on some path of self-destruction? Do you endlessly preform good, hoping in some strange mytho-physical sense of the world you can find a redemption that will free you from the strains of this awful world.
It all makes me a little sick. I suppose existence makes me a little sick. I don't believe there is much inherent meaning to this world. Only we can give any value to it, but since we ourselves are often very flawed creatures, what good is this value? A flawed creature scratching at perfection is silly, pathetic maybe even sad. Flawed perception of perfection is the view of a masterpiece a million miles away. We are reckless, and diseased ridden. Humanity in a sense is the worst scourge this beautiful planet has ever experienced.
We persist, we continue to misuse, mismanage, destroy, kill, and wage our silly wars. Life is a sad absurd play. So which is it? Will vice or virtue save us? The problem is, that both vice and virtue are subjective, we each have an imperfect view of them. Life then is a serious of imperfect mismanagement.
My views on virtue and vice have always been far to simple. I see the chance of either and I debate which one I'll enjoy more. I can enjoy virtue as much as vice, but they never mean anything. Sometimes I feel indefatigable in my conquests of these, and others I feel apathetic, uninterested, and unable to continue this sad polemic.
I suppose a philosophy with no center must always be trying to establish one. I'm to much of the cynic to build a real center. I would build a house on the edge of a cliff just to see it fall. I would save a cat from a tree. I am human. Behold. My center will always be found in absurd places. My beliefs will never quite make sense, nor will I. I was born imperfect, and so I will die. I have poor eyesight so I never bothered too much gazing off at perfection. It is to far off in the distance. The reality is that we can see imperfection, we can behold each other. A philosophy that rejects perfection may grow into a universal humanism.
Recognizing we are all equally capable of the blunders of life is the first step. Every man was created imperfect, equal in the aspect. We have so many flaws so many vices. It is time to find beauty in every flaw. The hungry are in the same boat as us, and we should help them out. It doesn't take much to imagine ourselves after a few blunders to be in the same place. Feed the hungry, because one day you might be hungry. If you see some one hurt, help them, we know how fragile our frail human bodies are.
I think this is the big problem with the police state. It is too inhuman, it pretends that there is some universal standard of right and wrong that if crossed gives it the right to send its gangs of blue boys to beat and rape you until you promise never to do it again. The thing is we are all capable of making mistakes. Crime is not sin, it is human. We are all guilty. The truth is that we shouldn't worry too much about it. If we looked out for each other more, the world wouldn't be such a painful awful place. I must admit every time I drive past a little gang enforcement garrison, or see the lights pulling some poor kid over on the street I want to stop it. I want to pull behind them, and tell them to stop it. Leave this person alone. Go away. We don't need more gangs on the street! Fuck the Police. I would like to burn all the prisons down, and let the torture victims of the police state take back the lives it has robbed them of. They're not the monsters television makes them out to be, prisoners are people just like us, and if we make the wrong mistakes the gang that controls the street might lock us up in there. I advocate the immediate dismantlement of the prison establishment and the final destruction of the ultra-police state of America! Free the people!

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