Saturday, July 25, 2009

The Beast

Today I saw a monster. It was an awful sight. The creature fed off the flesh and blood of the poor. It toyed with them before it slaughtered them. This creature was capable of any evil imaginable. It clawed out the eyes of those who saw through its lies. It ripped out the tongue of those who spoke out against it. This beast was built with avarice. Its hunger is insatiable. If it can't get all it wants out of the people around it, it will pop up anywhere in the world. No, one is safe from it. Greed, and terror are its strongest weapons.
I saw the beast convince to brothers to turn against each other. He let them tear each other apart, promising the winner some of the dirty little green paper it lines its home with. The creature doesn't care if its killing women, or children. It only cares that it is being fed. It keeps eating no matter how many lives it destroys.
I saw a town ravished by this thing. It was empty, the people had been consumed for standing against it. A terrible awful sight. The creature is not naked, it wears a cape, three colored. It covers up its disgusting appearance with it. He uses the cape to sneak up on people, lulling them in to a false sense of safety, and then he consumes them.
I've seen him tell the people, before he slaughters them, “I'm here for peace, I'm here to bring democracy.” We know what these words really mean to it. Its here to feed.
The beast has a pigs nose. That way its agents in their blue terror coats can recognize their master. He tells them to find anyone who disobeys him, and to rape, kill, and torture them. The blue demons are glad to oblige. The kind of creature that dawns his uniform to hurt his friends for money and power is sick. These little blue demons are awful. They smell too. You can usually smell them when they walk into an establishment. It takes a little while to realize what you are smelling. They smell of decay. The scent of the rotten corpses that they themselves, and the fellow members of their gang have collected. Each one of these creatures will kill you if they feel the need. Terrifying.
I was confronted by this creature, I looked into his eyes, I understood where he and his agents were going. I even learned his name. I vowed never to be a part of the horror he wreaks across the globe. I dreamed one day that he could be stopped. No more slaves. No more endless appetite of insatiable greed. Until that day I will always only whisper his name, never with pride, always with hate, and anger. America, murder of children, exploiter of the poor, demon beast unfit for hell. Go away. Leave the people alone. Stop hurting others for you greed.

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