Friday, July 3, 2009

The Exploited

We can hardly blame the bourgeois tough stance against the people. From their point of view they have everthing to lose. The poor on the other hand, already have nothing, so they have nothing to lose. This is why the state invented police; it is why it invented its own Gestapo, and it is why it has a standing army. The Bourgeois wanted a bulwark against the people. It is a little disgusting to think that the government and its institutions are made to oppress the people, but here and America they are. You are all granted to the right to live, unless the government decides it needs more territory so it sends you to die in some war, or it decides you disagree with it a little to much so it kills you for the glory of the state. Hey dirty feds, I disagree. America is the land where the rich can pursue any pleasure in their lives without restraint, even murder. The catch is that if they kill they have to pay the government, donate some new chairs to city hall, or publicly apologize. If a poor person kills, even if it is to feed their family, in the case of a botched robbery, they may even face death.
Do you know what kinds of countries around the world still rely on the death penalty? It is archaic. Who decides high up that human life is worth so little. It’s the most precious thing we have. For the poor, it is all we have. The rich have more to lose than their lives, all the petit bourgeois trappings of excess and the products of exploitation of the third world. The difference is that the elites will never be free; freedom can not come from excess. Freedom comes from within. The more you have, and the more you exploit, the less freedom you have. Every house you buy, car you drive, outfit you own is one more death row to your own freedom.
Take note, having nothing is being truly free. It is a state of innocence. The poor are beautiful for that reason. You can look into the eyes of the impoverished, and understand how hard it is for them, but you know when the more make love, they are enjoying it much more than the rich. And when they celebrate it is all the more fun. The poor appreciate every reprieve. The rich appreciate nil. The solution, kill the rich. Give the poor more reprieves.
So if I’m against state killing how can I suggest we lop off the heads of the ultra-rich and bourgeois tyrants oppressing our country? Well I think that they have signed the contract on their own heads. The writ was signed in the blood of all the proletariats sent to die in their bog awful wars. Each day they profit, while the families of the poor lose sons, fathers, and daughters for imperial conquest. War is not glorious. Freedom is glorious. Only when we know how precious it is can we appreciate it. America, how far you have fallen since 1776.
This land was looked upon by the world with admiration as it was the first to break away from the old world’s imperialism. America was thought to be the new revolutionary model, but it lied. America wasn’t a slave breaking its chains; America was a son disobeying his father. And the problem with rich assholes is that they grow up to be assholes like their fathers.
America grew into the most anti-revolutionary conservative reactionary country to be seen since the fall of Tsarist Russia. I bet that puts a good feeling in your stomach. You are about as free as the people were in Tsarist Russia. Do something about it! Rob a bank. Burn down city hall! Stop a police officer from hurting more people! Ask the government to resign! Tell them the people can take it from here! Feed the hungry! Cloth the poor! End tyranny!
Emancipate the proletariats, and obliterate the bourgeois!

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