Wednesday, July 22, 2009

An Existential Dilemma of Little Concern

I have some alarming news for you. Life inherently has no special purpose. There is no easy meaning. No book will give you the answers. Life is a random occurrence. A bouquet of flowers in a sea of misery. Its not so bad to mean nothing when it begins. When life begins we are merely the ejaculation of semen into some woman. This grows into an ugly clump of cells, and in time it becomes a little weak pathetic creature. We call its weakness innocence, because it hasn't been corrupted by the awful world we've built. We all share this origin, but then we end up taking different paths to establish our own personal meaning upon an unjust universe.
Why then, if we are born without meaning do we end up with so many philosophies of hate? Religion, Consumerism, Racism, and Jingoism. I just can't really understand why so many people choose to find meaning in other people's suffering.
No matter how many times you say it you ultra-conservative-bourgeois elites, I will not believe poverty is caused by the poor being lazy. I will not believe that you are better and as such deserve more. I will not believe that if we all pitch in for a better future for everyone, the world will end. I want the workers to be protected from you. None of your lies will ever get to me. We are people, as such I don't believe any of us should be offered a higher stake of the commonwealth of humanity. This world is ours, we have to take care of it, and share it.
No, I still don't believe healthcare for all will ruin the medical system. If doctors start making less money they will not all leave. In fact universal health care will only lead to better professionals, ones who even if they are making less money are not in it for the money.
The thing is, I respect everyone's right to create their own meaning, as long as it doesn't hurt or exploit anyone else. The meaning I've found for this awful universe on this awful planet which we lease is simple, I want peace, love, and Freedom. Not to hard to grasp. I don't feel like I see enough of these things anymore. The world is always fighting each other these days. Nobody talks, nobody listens, its just murder and guns. People have forgotten about peace and its beauty. Stop fighting please. Freedom, I would love to say that I see a lot of freedom, but I don't. I do not see any freedom at all. A boy told me he thought I needed to know about freedom, he was unable to enlighten me. We are not free, and it is a shame. Freedom is so precious, each moment we remain in bondage robs us of a second will never have back. We're going to die, we are going to age, and the longer we go without freedom the more it will feel like our lungs are going without air. Suffocate. Love, the hippies used to believe love could conquer hate and in its victory dethrone all the other evils of this system. They failed, now they're getting stoned in the woods. Love is important, but I don't see much of it anymore. Where did all the love go? I think it left. Love is like the newborn baby, we see its innocence and some how hope that it will remove all of our failures from us. Love is seen as the way to cure us of our inadequacies, free us from the mundane lives we are forced to lead. I don't see this anymore, love is becoming sick. Bloated by ultra-capitalism. It perverts everything it touches. Love becomes a joke, when it can be bought and sold at such low rates. Love, peace, and freedom. Such simple desires, so far away.
The dilemma has in it a question, once we put forward a desire for a better future, how far do we go? I want to see everyone live authentic lives enriched with peace, love, and freedom. I want to see the end of the ultra-police state. I want to see people saying no to greed, to consumerism. I want world peace. I suppose these desires are absurd and unrealistic, but heck I warned you this rant would merely be an existential dilemma of little concern.

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