Saturday, July 11, 2009

Police State

Today I would like to interview an imperialist pig. Although we know none of them would probably sit down and talk to me. They're very scared of the truth. I watched a heartless dog for the country arrest a man last night. It took three of them for one small guy. The reason the initial cop called for back up was to restrain the man's wife and child if they acted out. The child was crying seeing his daddy being taken away by this Nazi in blue. The cop was full of jockish bravado. He looked like he played football in high school. I would of liked to ask him what it was like caging the poor. I wanted to know his gang of thieves and liars plans for the future.
I think I have an idea what this gang of vile thugs has planned for the future. So, the police already arrest the poor the most. Next, the largest group arrested are those classified as others. These others are jailed because of the color of their skin, the language they speak, or the country of origin. I believe the pigs have a game down at the station, Nazi one looks to his buddy and says “I bet I can arrest more brown people than you.” The other thug laughs and tells him he'll get a gay and beat him up. The fascists laugh. Another favorite down at the station is arresting the handicap. The police love fucking with them. Are we sure the Third Reich really fell? Have you listened to the news lately? The Gestapo has been running adds, they say “we'll be out in force.” So these sycophants have been increasing their numbers. They've been hunting. Rabid dogs! If I didn't deplore animal cruelty so much, I would have suggest we put them all down.
The police are on the streets to much for a democracy. A police state is irreconcilable with a democracy. They're stepping up they said. More immigrants in jail, more poor, more blacks, more gays. They've made it clear. The bourgeois who pay these twisted beasts have decided they don't like these types. Well I've decided I don't like the bourgeois and its gangs of extra-legal para military enforcers. That is right, I know you guessed it. The police are not a democratic institution they are the para-military wing of the fascist bourgeois apparatus.
Are you familiar with the famous poem attributed to Martin Niemöller? “In Germany, First they came for the communists and I did not speak up because I was not a communist then they came for the Jews and I did no speak up because I was not a Jew.....” I have one for America:

In America
First they will come for the immigrants.
And you'll do nothing, because you are not an immigrant.
Next they'll come for the homeless.
And you'll do nothing because you are not homeless.
Then they'll come for the poor.
And you'll do nothing because there is something better on television.
Soon they'll come for the handicapped.
You'll be to busy eating at Mc Hate's burger establishment.
Finally they'll come for you.
And there will be no one left to help you, and no escapist diversions left to distract you.

Its a bright future we have to look forward to. The police are a gang on the street with the best weapons and technology at their disposal. We are in trouble. They have the agenda of the rich in mind. Protect property, since we have none that doesn't help us. The police like most gangs are also out to make money. They profit from absurd things, such as tickets. The government fines you for dissent against is absurd bureaucratic legal system. I think the “legal system” is only another tool used by the fascists occupying America to control us.
But I have an idea. I have a way we can escape this fascist hell. Let us open up the prisons. Let us burn down the super markets. Flip over cop cars. If they are a brutal gang of thugs they may only understand one language. That I gang violence. The police is largest gang in America. It is powerful and protected by institutionalized legal loop holes. It must be stopped. I wouldn't tolerate any gang to be controlling me especially not this one. In order stop them we have to stop pretending its alright.
It is not alright. Stop popping pills. Stop drinking away all your energy. The media is lying to you, and your believing it. Shut off your television. Don't buy what they tell you. Look at the shanty towns in America. Is this the 1930s all over again? A new great depression. This time the government has a secret agenda. It is the profit of the rich and the proliferation of American Corporate Fascism. We are the third estate. Privilege is out of control and we are the victims and not the benefactors. Sieyès said “Qu'est-ce que le tiers état?” he goes on to say “What is the third estate want to be? Something.” That is all we want, to be something, to be members of a community that doesn't just look out for the rich, but looks out for us all. Look out for each other. Stop the para military fascists from torturing the poor. Help the homeless. Feed the hungry. Be tolerant and compassionate. Evict the fascist occupiers.

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