Sunday, August 16, 2009

Third World War

What satisfaction do you receive from so much distraction? How actualized does the television really make you feel? I suppose for a nights escape its less destructive than others, but its still a drug. People drown themselves in familiar programs about happy people. When the bottle is empty so are they. The show ends and everyone is just as unhappy and alone as before. Turn on the news, that is educational right? Well, it could have been if it wasn't owned and controlled by a handful of conservative capitalists. To be honest the dreary crap on the local news is so censored, so propagandized its barely worth the time. Goebbels has been working overtime. I hear the propaganda, the call to war, and the lies. Everyday more, and more lies.
They tell us to join up, to fight for freedom against, well they don't tell us the truth. The United States War on Terror is a Race War. It is perpetrated by the White Christian Bourgeois against predominantly non-white Muslims. I hear the jackboots marching again. We are engaging in so many similar policies to the Third Reich, it is chilling. The wars we are starting for oil, in the third world are the beginning of some colonial project that may in the end destroy us all.
When the Third World War comes it will be lead by those left with conscience, they will rise up against the fascism and destruction of freedom perpetrated by the States. It will be a hard fight, but I think the people this nation has tortured maimed and abused for so long are the best to fight it. America long ago sowed the seeds of its dismemberment in the ground when it forced others to plough its fields.
Mighty America built upon the backs of brutally beaten slaves and Irishmen maimed in factories. How long did the founding fathers really believe a nation built upon so much despair could last? I hope if a Third World War comes, the poor, the homeless, the beaten, and the forgotten will rise up. I hope the word revolution will be painted in blood across the cities of the empire. No more police state. No more backward colonialism. Let the people who toil, sweat, and slave for this country actually bare the fruits of their labor. No more CEO's. No more Bosses. No Police. Just people. Equal, and free. Then maybe America can be a world symbol.
Of course, I'm kidding myself. I'm not even sure if America can be saved. The bourgeois revolution of the eighteenth century seems enough to satisfy most morons. The illusion of progress of change. People tell me all the time that it isn't so bad. America is not the worst place to live. These same people drink themselves to sleep every night watching sports on the television. How can the poor revolt then? They are filled with such doubt and apathy. This is the corporate dictators at work. They convince us consumerism will fill all the empty spaces in our lives. We collect junk and buy stuff we will never need until we run out of room in our little cells. Then we have to buy a bigger jail to house ourselves and our stuff in.
What kind of cell do you live in? How big is your television? How much stuff do you have? How much time do you spend listening to their lies? For the sake of the world I wish you wake up. I wish all of us good stand up together, before its to late. America is only a few blunders away from its annihilation, and no one will mourn it once it is gone. I think I shall learn to play a string instrument. I will find the perfect spot to sit down, and I will fiddle looking upon the modern Rome torched by the barbarians. Justice to the slaves of our colonial practices. Justice to the poor men and women struggling just to put food on their tables. I will play into the night, and it will be a good tune. When the fires all go out. I want to walk through the ashes. It will remind me of how much pain and suffering went into building such hallowed lands. Maybe now the Natives can take back a little of what is theirs too.

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